106 Walnut St. Natick, MA 01760
Parent involvement is incredibly important at FACE Children's Center. Please refer to the following areas to learn more about parent involvement and helpful tips to help you prepare for your child's school day.
Our teachers will make your child's birthday a special day at school. Please do not send in any food or other treats to the Center.
When planning a home birthday party, please use your child's class list to contact other families.
The partnership between family and school is strengthened when we take time to make a plan for your child's development together. An Adjustment Blurb will be done in the Fall and a Developmental Assessment will be done twice a year (February and June). Your child's teacher will be available for individual conferences at parental request. Please speak to your child's teacher to set up a time that works for everyone.
Parents are encouraged to voice any questions, suggestions, and concerns. We urge parents to participate in the development of FACE policies and programs.
Children should be dressed in comfortable play clothes and wear sneakers with socks for the safest play. Children should not wear clothing that restricts them from participating in activities.
In your child's back pack*, please include the following:
*back packs stay all week and go home on the last day your child attends each week.
Winter Months: Please send your child to school with a warm winter coat, hat and mittens. When there is snow on the ground, please send in a separate bag with snow pants and snow boots. Snow boots may not be worn inside the school. Please send in or keep at school, a pair of sneakers for your child to wear indoors.
Summer Months: Please send your child to school wearing a bathing suit (an email will be sent with information and dates for this) and with a towel. During water play, your child can wear water shoes or crocks. Make sure your child has a full set of clothes and sneakers to change into after water play.
Learning to deal with separation is an important step in a child's development. You can help your child by following these suggestions:.
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106 Walnut St. Natick, MA 01760
Phone: (508) 653-7966
All Rights Reserved | FACE Children's Center, Natick MA.